Tolerance and Reasonable Accommodation

The following is intended to cover a purely hypothetical situation
and to foster emotion-neutral discussion.

© 2007, 2010, R. W.C. Stevens

  What if some people, whose religious beliefs had them walking sideways, were to come to Canada? How would we cope with such people among us? Perhaps we should welcome them, but lay before them some obvious points:

  Welcome to Canada. We1 do not mind if you2 walk down the sidewalk3, sideways, as might be your custom. We welcome you, but:

1 ‘We,’ and ‘us’: Although you are now among and part of us, in this dissertation such terms are to be taken as meaning those to whom the concept of walking sideways is new. This distinction is made for clarity of this text, not in discrimination against ‘you’.
2 ‘You’ and ‘your,’ in this dissertation, refers to those who choose to walk sideways. Now that you have joined us, there should be no distinction between ‘us’ and ‘you’. It is used here purely for simplicity of language.
3 Sidewalk: The entomology of this term reflects it being a walkway at the side of the road. It does not reflect our having had any prior experience, nor any plans for experience, in walking sideways.

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